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Nonlocal models on bounded domains: formulation, analysis,and computation

发布日期:2024-05-11点击: 发布人:统计与数学学院

报告题目:Nonlocal models on bounded domains: formulation, analysis,and computation


时间:2024年5月23日(周四)10:00 a.m.



摘要:There has been much interest in nonlocal models associated with a finite horizon parameter that characterizes the effective range of nonlocal interactions. For such models defined on a bounded domain, it is an important topic to study their mathematical formulations near or at the domain boundary. This lecture will mainly offer an overview of related works. We will discuss a few possibilities for imposing suitable local or nonlocal boundary conditions to complement the nonlocal equations prescribed in the interior of the domain. We will also present recent development in the mathematical and numerical analysis of the resulting problems and their impact on practical applications.


杜强教授,应用数学和计算科学家,现任美国纽约哥伦比亚大学应用物理与数学系傅氏基金会应用数学讲席教授。1983年杜强从中国科技大学数学系毕业;1988年获美Carnegie Mellon大学博士学位;杜强曾被中国科技部聘请为国家第二批973规划“大规模科学计算研究”项目首席科学家,该项目2008年获科技部授予的优秀科研团队奖。2005年,获得冯康科学计算奖。2013年,当选应用与工业数学会SIAM会士。2017年,入选美科学促进会(AAAS)会士。2018年,国际数学家大会邀请报告人。2019年,当选美数学学会(AMS)会士。